100% Corrected Premier League names, emblems and kits
Corrected unlicensed Italian and Spanish team names, emblems and kits.
90% national team kits – some Asian teams don’t have bespoke shirt logos
Corrected national player names – missing some Asian names
Removed duplicate players from national teams
Corrected competition names and logos
Majority of transfers done, slightly altered starting line-ups
Stadium assignment from my PES 10 file has been imported, so some stadiums will have more suitable home stadia (Arsenal --> Estádio da Luz for example)
Download Links can be found here
Transfer Guide
You can use a USB pen drive with the latest dashboard update to transfer this option file. This is the best, quickest and cheapest method of transferring an option file. There are also several different products you can buy, each have their positives and negatives, but they all do the same job pretty much. There's no real need to purchase them if you have a 1GB USB pen drive.
USB Transfer Guide
What you need
Xtaf explorer - Download here
WinRAR - Download here
A USB storage device - Follow Step 3 for instructions how to configure a USB stick for use on a 360
Before you start, it's best to have a PES 2011 save file already on your USB storage device. The quickest way is to start up PES 2011 with your USB storage device plugged in. Once the game has loaded up, it asks you to select a storage device. Select your USB device and the game will save the system settings file to your USB device.
Download an option file and use WinRar to extract the file. You will end up with something like this
Plug an Xbox 360 compatible storage device into your PC.
Use WinRar to extract the Xtaf Explorer program from the .rar file
Run the program and click File --> Open Drive
Wait for a second or two and some items should appear in the left window.
Click Data Partition --> Content and you should get a screen something like this.
The folder E0000..... is your Gamer Profile. Click the plus sign and you should see a folder called 4B4EO80D. This is the PES 2011 save folder.
In the right window, right click on the folder called 00000001 and select delete.
Still in the right window, right click and select inject folder
Navigate your way to where you saved the downloaded 360 option file and select the folder called 00000001
Give it a minute to import all the files (the program may appear to freeze, this is normal as it is importing a few hundred files). After the program has finished, your 00000001 folder should look something like this
Click File --> Close Drive
Disconnect your USB Storage Device from your PC and plug it into your 360.
That's it! Simple. The process should only take a minute or two
How big does the USB stick have to be?
A minimum of 1gb for it to be recognized by the 360
No USB drive? Read below...
The Microsoft Data Migration cable.
You can get it free direct from Microsoft if you have two serial numbers from two 360 consoles. If you can't get hold of the numbers, you can buy it from dealextreme for around £5(delivery is around 2 weeks usually) or try ebay where delivery would be quicker. A word of caution that these 'unofficial' cables won't work if you buy a new console and want to transfer data from your old hard drive to your new one, only the official cable works for that purpose.
If you can't get hold of one, then there are other option available to you:
First up is the Datel Data Transfer Kit. This only works with memory cards and costs around £15. A word of caution: It doesn't work with Vista and might not work properly will all memory cards.
Next up is the Datel XSata. Personally I would avoid buying this product as it has more negatives than positives. You connect it by plugging it inbetween your console and your hard drive. This isn't an easy fit and once on, you might want to leave it like that. It also requires the console to be directly next to your PC, which again isn't the most practical thing ever. It does have a pretty blue light though!
The final option I'm going to mention is the Datel 360 Xport. I used this device myself and it works absolutely fine.
It works with both hard drives and memory cards, and can be operated completely separate from your console. It works by plugging your 360 hard drive, or memory card, into the docking station and connecting it via USB to your PC.
All the above tools conveniently work with the same software, so I only have to write the one guide!
Download the latest version of the Xport 360 software here
Install it to your PC, connect your hard drive or memory card up to your chosen device and do the following:
Run the Xport 360 software. It should prompt on launch to select a device. Select your hard drive or memory card.
Navigate to partition 3, and select the correct gamer profile
Find folder 4B4E0801(PES 2010) and go into subfolder 00000001
If you've already saved some files, you should see them there.
Now shrink your xport software window so it takes up one side of the screen and on the other side of the screen have the folder with the option file in open.
To be on the safe side, backup any Master League, Cup, BaL, replay saves etc before transferring any files across.
Simply drag & drop to transfer the files to the Xport. You may have to transfer the files one at a time otherwise the program might crash.
Once all the files have been transferred, disconnect the hard drive from the hardware, plug it back onto the Xbox and load up PES. The option file should now be applied.
Whenever I try to drag and drop a file onto the hard drive, I get a warning symbol which stops me.
If you're using Vista, you need to turn User Account Control off. Go to Control Panel - User Accounts - Turn User Account Control on or off and untick the box.
My memory card isn't recognized!
Before connecting a memory card to your computer, save any file to it on your 360. Now when you connect it up, the Xport software should recognize it.
The program keeps crashing after transferring x amount of files
If this keeps happening, transfer a safe amount of files that doesn't make it crash, disconnect from your PC and connect back to your Xbox 360. Run PES and create a new save(a replay save for example). Then reconnect your storage device to your PC and try to transfer the rest of the files.
Xport is rubbish!
Try using the Xplorer software , or just buy a USB stick and do it the easy way
Gotta say a HUGE thanks for all the hard work putting this together
That's great! I'd love to edit myself the italian SerieB. Must I use the PES editor or a PC software is available?
How do I proceed?
Doing evrything as written, the Usb Xtaf Gui thing is working fine..deleted and injected the folder..cosed the file then plugged the usb back into the 360..ran the game with the usb as a storage device..stilll not working..one thing..when i first put the usb into the pc after moving the save game content from the x boxx hdd onto it it read folder empty, but the Xtaf thing still did the right job, i dont know where to go or what to do from here..help me and i will build you a palace!!
To the last post-once the files are on the stick and plugged in the 360,copy them to the hard drive then remove the stick.
Cheers!..knew it was something simple
Hi guys , i got a bit of a problem, ive done all the above with the memory stick 4 times, everything goes ok and the process is completed but when i put the stick back in the xbox usb and goto memory or load up pes 2011 it says that memory stick is now an unformatted drive and wont let you into the memory stick or move data from it, please help as i went out a bought a new 2g memory stick today
Hi, can anyone help with this update. I've downloaded the OF to my USB and transferred it to the HD. However, When I play PES2011, the loading of the info is the problem: System data loads up fine, but when the Edit data loads up it gives an error saying: The date applies to a previous update, pls visit our site for the latest update!"... Do I need to have dragonskin V1 before I can download V2?? Cuz right now, only V1 works :( PLEASE HELP!!!
This version is for the game before the DLC came out, your game has been patched and will need a new OF.
Hi, can anyone help with this update. I've downloaded the OF to my USB and transferred it to the HD. However, When I play PES2011, the loading of the info is the problem: System data loads up fine, but when the Edit data loads up it gives an error saying: edit data failed to load..... what do i do from here?
xtaf explorer link is broken
is this for the american version of the game too?
Hi. This option file is not working with version of PES2011 1.00 and is not working vith version 1.01 alwazs says can not load data, because of different version. STrange.
Tried on both versions 1.00 and 1.01 and option file is still in different version. Can anyone say which version of PES2011 to use? The one with retail package 1.00 says can not load data because of different version and if I patched it to 1.01 results is the same. :(
Well, someone told, that you can not patch and get live to update your PES11 in to newer version 1.01. Actually, true is, this option file was not working with 1.00 and also with 1.01 version. Than I download also new DLC available through the game /new teams in champ. league, some new boots etc./ and now this option file is working perfectly. All logos, corrected names etc. Everything is perfect. So for those, who still have "can not load data, because of different version" just download latest patch /will ask automaticaly, if you are signed in to xbox live/ 1.01 and than also download through game menu new content as dlc. After this, it will work. Cheers
Great stuff mate! thanks a lot for ur work!! brill!
Where do you put the stadium info?
also im missing the Premier League logo have I done something wrong?
do you have any cheats for pes 2011?
Hi David,
To get the emblems for the leagues and cups you need to copy the second folder inside the rar. You'll find it in 'Stadiums and Cup Logos', just delete the original 00000001 folder you copied onto the USB stick and inject the new folder also called 00000001. Finally just copy this to your Xbox HD and everything is complete. Thanks to Paddy and the Team for all their hard work in compiling this fantastic update.
Hi, Can you edit a 'Become a legend player' with this? I play the xbox 360 version and I want to edit some numbers of my player. Please Help!
Much thanks! Having trouble loading the file from USB and saving to 360 HD. Anyone have some help with this?
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